Thursday, May 12, 2005


I leave for vacation to Punta Cana in one week. It will be a mega-vacation on an all inclusive resort with 22 of our closest friends and relatives. I have a feeling, that even if it rains the entire time, we will still have a good time.

Except for the one thing that is weighing on my mind. Part of this 22 person group are my old idiot friend, Dave and Brian. If you don't remember Brian, let me refresh your memory.

I haven't spoken to him since then, about a year and a half. So much has happened since then; Jim is gone, I own a house and a dog and I'm basically in charge of my own life. I don't know how he and I are expected to interact. I have no ill feelings - I could get right back on to our 'Jerry / Elaine', 'Rachel / Joey' friendship without any problems or baggage from the past. The only problem is that I don't know how Brian will be.

So I sent him an email. I was direct, to the point, but witty. Now I'm just hitting refresh on my Yahoo account to see if he responds.

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