Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Today's Horoscope

In your professional life, things are definitely going to improve in terms of how well you work with others. For a while now, you have been held back in many business situations that involved other people. But today, whatever (or whoever) was holding you back will be gone. Suddenly, you will have a lot more control over your schedule, over what you can say, and most importantly over whom you can say it to. This upswing in your independence might startle you at first, but keep going. 

Well, this sounds promising.

I've been in a funk last week. Without divulging too much details, I was very discouraged and lost enthusiasm for something I was very excited for. After a few days to let the dust settle, I realize that my attitude is more my own issue than the direct actions of someone(s) else, but it has affected me just the same.

It all comes down to I don't like someone else telling me what to do. Not when I have a vision and when I am working towards something that I believe in. Something that was bigger than me and had nothing to do with me.

But in the middle of my stride, I was tripped and now I just want to take my toys and leave this playground that now seems very restricted.

And I'm not even talking about work.

My professional life has been going very well. I'm on a project working with a woman who I respect and enjoy collaborating with. I get to think creatively and problem solve. And above all, I'm getting the positive feedback that I'm looking for. I feel good about where I am and about what I do.

By nature I am very independent. Some may see that as callous or introverted. But in the absence of leadership, I will take over. I will do things my way and do it quickly.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Today's Horoscope

It's admirable that you're so willing to work with others to get things done -- your teamwork ethic is to be applauded. However, today you realize that if you want something, you might need to elbow your way to the front of the line to get it. It's not about putting yourself ahead of others -- it's about knowing when to grab control and make things happen. No one is going to seek you out and hand things to you on a silver platter (even though you deserve it). Work for what you want. 

Its interesting that this is my horoscope today. Because I'm still feeling lie there's something I need to do, to get started, and that there's something or someone that's holding me back from my full potential. 

It's a little discouraging.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Lead, follow or get out of my way

When I really get into a project, I like to take it with both hands and run with it. In my head I see the big picture and all the little steps it will take to get me there. My advice to people around me is to just get out of my way.

I have no problem asking for help when I need it, and sometimes a gentle reminder that there are others waiting to be given something to do will encourage me to spread the wealth. But what I hate are those who second guess or hold up my progress.

I have been very excited about some personal projects that I've been working on. In one, I have full creative license for all the marketing and social media exposure. I love it.

In the other, I'm on a much shorter chain. And I don't love it. It discourages me because again I see the big picture of how my efforts are all to increase exposure for my organization, bring in members and improve communications among our members. And I don't want to wait for others to get in my way. When I'm on a roll, I want to just GO!

These brakes are just holding me down.