Thursday, February 07, 2013

Diamond in the rough

I'm seeing 4 homes today, all within 2 miles from Downtown Durham where I work. I hope one of these home are a fit because I could then (theoretically) bike to work. Think of all the gas savings!

There is one in particular that I am smitten with. I haven't been inside...yet.

From the outside, it isn't much to look at. It's a tiny little cottage: 2 bedrooms, one bath and a whopping total of 886 square feet built in 1944. But look at that cute porch!

But what it does have going for it is its location, Trinity Park. The neighborhood is charming. Full of little cottages and bungalows all with their own charm. There are no cookie-cutter homes here.

I have been doing some neighborhood reconnaissance. I've been driving by before and after work to get a feel of the neighborhood and to peek at would-be neighbors. The other day I took a walk there during my lunch break and had a change to talk to the mailman. I asked his opinion of the neighborhood.

He said it was a great place. Very diverse -- families, professors from Duke University, students. Once they get here, they don't leave. Even in the (nicely maintained) apartment buildings on the street behind the property - they don't move out.

All this is very encouraging. You gota trust the mailman who's been on the route for four years.

But then some of the interior photos caught my eye.
Hardwoods in the living room
Love that arch into the kitchen!

There is some serious potential there. I can't wait to get inside. I am so hoping that I love it. And even more hoping that the home is not suffering from major structural damage.

What I find most romantic about this house and this location is that it's right out of one of my most favorite movies, Bull Durham. My home could be one that Crash walked passed to get to Annie's from the ball park.

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