Friday, March 04, 2011

My venn diagram

I have quite an interesting group of women who are a part of my life here in North Carolina. I have four distinct groups of friends. At least, there will be four once softball season begins.

Alpha Xi Delta
First is my sorority. I've talked about it before. I have friends here who I went to school with, so that was a very easy and welcome introduction to the state. I also have the alumnae association that I became a part of, and many of those women have become friends that I hang out with often and truly admire. I also volunteer for my sorority and advise women in 4 chapters across North Carolina. I have connections with women in our national headquarters and with other advisors across the country. And I still keep an eye out for the ladies in my chapter back home in New Jersey.

Carolina Girls
Next is the group of us who are from all over the country, who formed this 'family' of women from a Meetup group and kept it going organically, just because we are all just cool. We have impromptu dinners together, or shopping trips, vacations and day trips. I like this group because there is no drama with us. We're all pretty like-minded, independent, liberal and strong women who enjoy each others company. We come and go and are involved in events as our lived allow, but its so easy to want to make time to hang out. I'm always learning, always smiling here.

Bunko is a dice game that is played only as a background activity for getting women to gather around and eat, drink and bullshit. I was invited in by a sorority sister. This group is entertaining, but does not hold the same importance in my life as the previous two. I see it more as an obligation now than anything else. At least until its my turn to host. After that, will have felt my obligation is fulfilled and I can decide if its something that I want to continue to be involved in.

I am so excited about this. I met a few members on my team, one is even a sorority sister. My primary goal is to play and enjoy myself. I truly hope that some of the women on my team can turn into real friends as well.

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