Tuesday, April 27, 2010

In other news...

I spent this last semester as the alumnae Chapter Advisor for my sorority, Alpha Xi Delta at my alma mater, Rider University.

I have had a really amazing time getting to know the women of my chapter and helping them succeed on campus as a chapter and as individuals. Not all the interactions have been wonderful, but they all had learning opportunities for both me and the women. When I was an undergrad, the experience being in a sorority is the reason I am the person I am today. It had always been my desire to give something back to the chapter who had given me so much.

I have seen the women of Alpha Xi Delta do amazing things. Just last week they performed at the Greek Week Lip Synch contest.

However tonight at the Greek Awards Banquet, they really rose to the top.
Alpha Xi Delta shows off all her awards
They won the following:
  • Highest New Member Cumulative GPA and Highest Overall Female GPA
  • Intramural Member of the Year
  • Highest Sorority Cumulative GPA
and the top award:
Bart Luedeke Outstanding Chapter of the Year Award

Oh, and I didn't do too bad myself. The chapter nominated for Chapter Advisor of the Year and I won! I am so humbled and so proud of my chapter. *mush*
Claudine grins after winning the Chapter Advisor of the Year Award
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Monday, April 26, 2010

More presents...

I know there is a whole other world out there besides the fairy tale one that I'm currently living in. But right now that's not as fun and exciting.

So, never let it be said that chivalry is dead. Just two days after my box 'o chocolate mousse, I receive another item in the mail.


This man is spoiling me... and that's not a bad thing at all.

By the way, he arrives in Jersey in 48 hours 36 hours! (We just couldn't wait that long.)

Saturday, April 24, 2010


I open my front door on the way to put out the garbage and this was waiting for me.

So with giddy anticipation, I brought it inside.


Its a gift from my sweetie!

Mmm...sweets from my sweetie!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Virtual Date

Today I let Charles know what I was doing for dinner.

And he replied within 5 minutes...

So while we were both at Panera Bread, in two different states, we had ourselves a virtual dinner date.


Monday, April 19, 2010

It was a very good trip

You know, there are some things that are just too good to share.

So I'll just leave this and let you figure it out.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

On my way to my happy place

I couldn't wait until the end of the month when we agreed that Charles would come up to see me.

So yesterday I boarded a plane to Raleigh.
On my way to see my man

This is gonna be great!

Friday, April 09, 2010

Today's Horoscope

Prepare yourself for something you'd never have expected in a million years: the chance to start over with a brand new partner. Whether they fall into the romantic, platonic or professional category doesn't matter -- the point is that you're letting a new person into your life with no strings attached. What could possibly be better? Open yourself up to all new possibilities right now.

How's THAT for awesome?!

I'm leaving on a jet plane...

...don't know when I'll be back again.

 I just purchased my plane ticket to Raleigh. I'll arrive Tuesday night and stay until Friday night.

We'll play house: I'll work in the house during the day, he'll work out of the house and at night we get to play.

This is so fun and exciting for me. And I'm fortunate enough to be able to fly down there and still be able to work from home.

This weekend he's on vacation in Disney World with his daughters. I'll be working on a presentation I'm giving to my professional society on Saturday and my sorority on Sunday. There's plenty to keep us busy, but the anticipation of next week will be very distracting.

Monday, April 05, 2010

What I did on my spring break: Part 2

(continued from Part 1)

The first thing I noticed was a tall, handsome man with the bluest eyes walking towards me. I almost turned around to make sure he was talking to me. He had a smooth southern drawl that made me smile.

He was in Key West by himself and wanted to have a picture of him taken with the palm tree background. I suppressed my normal inclination to get all photo-geeky and worry about the light and shadows and flash and setting up a good shot. Instead I asked to make sure I clicked on the right button to take a picture and took the shot.

I handed his camera back to him so he can make sure he liked the photo. I thought that would be it. But I was wrong.

"I was about to go get some ice cream. Would you like to join me?"

I was thinking, Um...YEAH!

But instead I countered his ice cream offer with dinner as that was what I was in search for when he ran into me. I knew of a balcony bar that overlooked Mallory Square that would be a prime place to watch the sunset. He agreed to join me and we walked and talked and made our way along the water to the bar.

The second thing I noticed about him is how friendly he was.

Charles is 38, from Raleigh, NC and was taking some 'chill-time' in Key West. He had originally planned on staying for the week, but got bored with it and was cutting his trip short. He was flying back home tomorrow.

He gushed about his daughters (it was very sweet), we shared stories about our work, our families, what was important to us. We were asking all the standard 'get to know you' questions, but we talked as if we knew each other for years. We people-watched and made fun of the same people: the drunk old man, the rich woman with the tiny dog in her purse, the teenagers who pretended too hard to be adults, the twenty-something who was getting hit on by the old men.

Little by little, the normally protective exterior I usually possess gave way and I began to just enjoy the moment I was having. I had someone take our picture so I could record it and prove to myself that I wasn't making it all up.

Taking in the Key West sunset

Like a true gentleman, he paid for dinner. The third thing I noticed about him was his kindness.

We watched the sunset, him in his 6'3"-ness towering over behind me.

However, when the sun went down, the temperature dropped and we walked through the street performers and crowds through the marina along the water together to get my jacket out of my car. It was chance that we had met and the night was too young for this encounter to be over.

So we made sure it wasn't.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

What I did on my spring break: Part 1

I could tell you about the geeky fun I had at my eLearning conference I went to in Orlando, and how I was Twitter-famous with my other eLearning Twitter geek friends. But I wont.

Peep headImage by bearclau via Flickr

I could tell you about exploring Old Town Alexandria, VA with my friend Steve and playing in the Peeps store at National Harbor, MD. But I wont.

Or I can share my photos of Charleston, SC and of Boone Hill Plantation. But, no.

I probably could even tell you about the awesome time I had in St. Petersberg with my Alpha Xi Delta sisters. There was plenty of laughs to go around. But I know that that's not where the real story lies.

Instead I'm going to tell you about a chance encounter in Key West that has made all other stories I have ever shared pale in comparison.

On Tuesday, I finished my morning dive in Key Largo and drove down to Key West to complete my southern roadtrip, grab a margarita and a beer and watch the sunset. I arrived at around 5pm and found a place to park my car near the Historic Seaport of Key West. I looked up hotel rooms and started calling for reservations, but no where seemed to have availability. Looks like I would not be spending the night in Key West.

Hungry, and a little thirsty, I wandered along the marina admiring the boats and watching the pelicans wait for fish scraps to be thrown to them. I was making my way towards Mallory Square where I could sit and watch the nightly party as the crowds waited for the sun to set.

On my way there, I came across a building that had many whimsical outdoor sculptures. There was one in particular that amused me. It was of a man painting a group of dancing naked women. Just as I was filming, I hear someone ask me a question.

"Hey, can you take a picture for me?" (If you listen, you can hear it at the end of the video.)

Now, all my life I have loved John Hughes movies. He has made me believe in those 'movie moments' when you happen to turn around and your Jake Ryan is right there, just waiting for you. I just never expected that to happen to me.

I was wrong.

(More to come in Part 2!)

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I'm back from my roadtrip to Florida. I have had the most amazing time and I will need time to write it up.

But the most incredible time was my evening in Key West. I picked up a little something while I was there.


That turned into an unplanned stop in Raleigh, NC.

Good times, indeed!